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Views separate your application logic from your presentation logic. They are stored in files or directly rendered from strings. View templates are usually written using the Golang templating language. A simple golang template looks like this:
<!-- View stored in templates/greeting.gohtml -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<h1>Hello, {{․}}</h1>
{{block "footer" ․}}
<p>© 2024</p>
This view is stored at templates/greeting.gohtml and we may compile it like so:
package main
import ""
func main() {
compiled := view.NewFactory("templates").Make("greeting.gohtml", "Jane")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", compiled)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<h1>Hello, Jane</h1>
<p>© 2024</p>
Rendering views is primarily handled by the view factory. A view factory instance can be reused multiple times for rendering templates.
package main
import ""
func main() {
factory := view.NewFactory("templates")
greetJane := factory.Make("greeting.gohtml", "Jane")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", greetJane)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<h1>Hello, Jane</h1>
<p>© 2024</p>
greetBob := factory.Make("greeting.gohtml", "Bob")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", greetBob)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<h1>Hello, Bob</h1>
<p>© 2024</p>
… | … | … |
CompilerViews | DefaultLayout | Make |
MakeUsing | Resolver | SetDefaultLayout |
The CompilerViews method returns a list of views to be compiled. If the view factory has a default layout, it will be added to the list.
package main
import ""
func main() {
list := view.NewFactory("templates").CompilerViews("greeting.gohtml")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", list)
// ["layouts/app.gohtml", "greeting.gohtml"]
Most applications maintain the same general layout across various pages. Layouts provide a convenient way of defining a single base template and then use it throughout the application. The view factory DefaultLayout method returns the default layout for all views. You can set the default layout by providing an optional template path argument to the DefaultLayout method.
package main
import ""
func main() {
factory := view.NewFactory("templates")
defaultLayout := factory.DefaultLayout()
fmt.Printf("%v\n", defaultLayout)
// "layouts/app"
fmt.Printf("%v\n", factory.DefaultLayout())
// "layouts/blog"
You may render a view by passing a file name with the .gohtml extension to the view factory Make method. The file extension determins the view compiler to be used. If you omit a file name extension, the assumed extension will be gohtml. When using a custom view compiler, the file name and extension must be provided.
package main
import ""
func main() {
factory := view.NewFactory("templates")
compiled := factory.Make("greeting.gohtml", "Jane")
compiledAgain := factory.Make("greeting", "Jane")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", compiled == compiledAgain)
// true
fmt.Printf("%v\n", compiled)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<h1>Hello, Jane</h1>
<p>© 2024</p>
The MakeUsing method renders the template using a provided layout.
compiled := view.NewFactory("templates").
MakeUsing("layouts/email", "welcome", map[string]any{
"address": "",
"to": "jane",
The Resolver method returns the view Resolver instance used by the factory.
viewResolver := view.NewFactory("templates").Resolver()
The SetDefaultLayout method sets the default layout to be used for all views.
factory := view.NewFactory("templates").SetDefaultLayout("layouts/blog")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", factory.DefaultLayout())
// "layouts/blog"
The view Resolver is responsible for locating views and associating them with verious compilers.
The TemplateCompilers method returns a map of registered extensions and their corresponding compilers.
The Tags method returns a map of registered tags and their corresponding aliases.
tags := view.NewFactory("templates").Resolver().Tags()
fmt.Printf("%v\n", tags)
// map[htm:gohtml html:gohtml]
Tags are aliases to existing view compilers. They are used to associate extensions with compilers. If you wish to use an HTML compiler for compiling files with .htm extension, simply tag the html compiler with an htm extension by calling the TagCompiler method.
The Share method adds a piece of shared data to the environment. Unlike the Data method, it can be chained.
compiled := view.NewFactory("templates").Resolver().Share("Jane").Compile("greeting.gohtml")
The SetLocation method registers view locations and returns the Resolver instance.
resolver := view.NewFactory().Resolver().SetLocation("templates", "themes/dark")
The SetDefaultExtension registers a default view file extension.
resolver := view.NewFactory("templates").Resolver().SetDefaultExtension("amber")
The SetDefaultCompiler registers a default template compiler callback. Whenever a compiler for an extension cannot be resolved, the default compiler will be used.
The ResolveCompiler gets the compiler for a given extension.
The NormalizeName method ensures an extension is included in the given view name.
resolver := view.NewFactory("templates").Resolver()
extension := resolver.NormalizeName("greeting")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", extension == "greeting.gohtml")
// true
extension2 := resolver.NormalizeName("greeting.gohtml")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", extension2 == "greeting.gohtml")
// true
The Locations method returns a list of registered view locations. If you provide a list of locations as arguments, they will be registered.
resolver := view.NewFactory("templates").Resolver()
list := resolver.Locations("themes/default")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", list)
// ["templates" "themes/default"]
The Load method locates and maps view files from the provided paths.
The IsLoaded method determines if view files have been located.
The Files method returns a list of located views.
The Exists method determines if a given view exists.
resolver := view.NewFactory("templates").Resolver()
found := resolver.Exists("greeting")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", found)
// true
The DotExtension method prefixes a dot in the given extension.
resolver := view.NewFactory("templates").Resolver()
extension := resolver.DotExtension("gohtml")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", extension == ".gohtml")
// true
extension2 := resolver.DotExtension(".gohtml")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", extension2 == ".gohtml")
// true
The DefaultExtension method sets and returns the default view extension.
resolver := view.NewFactory("templates").Resolver()
extension := resolver.DefaultExtension("amber")
fmt.Printf("%v\n", extension == "amber")
// true
The DefaultCompiler method sets and returns the default view compiler callback.
The Data method returns a piece of shared data from the environment. You can optionally share a piece of data as an argument.
resolver := view.NewFactory("templates").Resolver()
compiled := resolver.Compile("greeting.gohtml")
The Compile method compiles a list of views and returns a string.
resolver := view.NewFactory("templates").Resolver()
compiled := resolver.Compile("layouts/app.gohtml", "home.gohtml")
The AddLocation adds directories where view template files are located.
resolver := view.NewFactory("templates").Resolver().
AddLocation("themes/light", "themes/dark").
The AddCompiler method registers a view extension and its compiler. Template compilers are view handler callbacks functions. The first argument to the AddCompiler method is a view extension while second argument is a callback function.
package main
import (
func main() {
resolver := NewFactory("templates").Resolver()
// register a view compiler for amber file extension
resolver.AddCompiler("amber", func(resolver *view.Resolver, paths ...string) string {
if len(paths) > 0 {
name := resolver.NormalizeName(paths[0])
file := resolver.Load().Files()[name]
compiler := amber.New()
if err := compiler.ParseFile(file); err == nil {
if temp, err := compiler.Compile(); err == nil {
var value bytes.Buffer
temp.Execute(&value, resolver.Data())
return value.String()
return ""
compiled := resolver.Share("Jane").Compile("greeting.amber")
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