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Table Of Contents


The stringable package provides an expressive chainable interface for working with string values.

package main

import ""

func main() {
	title := stringable.New("go").Append("lang").Ucfirst().String()

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", title) // Golang

Available Methods

Each method available on the stringable instance may be chained to fluently manipulate the underlying value. Almost every method returns a new stringable instance, allowing you to preserve the original copy of the value when necessary:

After AfterLast Append
Basename Before BeforeLast
Between BetweenFirst Camel
Contains ContainsAll Dirname
Dump EndsWith Exactly
Explode Headline IsEmpty
IsNotEmpty Kebab Lcfirst
Length Limit Lower
Ltrim NewLine Of
PadBoth PadLeft PadRight
Pipe Prepend Remove
Repeat Replace ReplaceArray
ReplaceFirst Rtrim Slug
Snake StartsWith String
Studly Substr Title
ToBoolean ToDate ToFloat
ToInteger ToString Trim
Ucfirst Unless Upper
Value When WhenContains
WhenContainsAll WhenEmpty WhenEndsWith
WhenExactly WhenNotEmpty WhenNotExactly
WhenStartsWith Wrap ReplaceLast

Method Listing


The ReplaceNth method replaces the nth occurrence of a given value in a string:

value := stringable.New("the fox jumps over the lazy dog").ReplaceNth("the", "A", 1).Value()
// "A fox jumps over the lazy dog"

value := stringable.New("the fox jumps over the lazy dog").ReplaceNth("the", "a", 2).Value()
// "the fox jumps over a lazy dog"


The ReplaceLast method replaces the last occurrence of a given value in a string:

value := stringable.New("the fox jumps over the lazy dog").ReplaceLast("the", "a").Value()
// "the fox jumps over a lazy dog"


The Wrap method wraps the given string with an additional string or pair of strings:

value := stringable.New("is").Wrap("This ", " golang")
// "This is golang"


The WhenStartsWith method invokes the given closure if the string starts with the given sub-string. The closure will receive the string value:

value := stringable.New("disney world").
	WhenStartsWith("disney", func(value string) string {
		return stringable.New(value).Title().String();
// "Disney World"


The WhenNotExactly method invokes the given closure if the string does not exactly match the given string. The closure will receive the string value

value := stringable.New("alita").
	WhenNotExactly("Alita", func(value string) string {
		return stringable.New(value).Title().String();
// "Alita"


The WhenNotEmpty method invokes the given closure if the string is not empty. If the closure returns a value, that value will also be returned by the whenNotEmpty method. If the closure does not return a value, the fluent string instance will be returned:

value := stringable.New("Framework").
	WhenNotEmpty(func(value string) string {
		return stringable.New(value).Prepend("Gin ").String();
// "Gin Framework"


The WhenExactly method invokes the given closure if the string exactly matches the given string. The closure will receive the string value:

value := stringable.New("Alita").
	WhenExactly("Alita", func(value string) string {
		return "99. " + value;
// "99. Alita"


The WhenEndsWith method invokes the given closure if the string ends with the given sub-string. The closure will receive the string value:

value := stringable.New("disney world").
	WhenEndsWith("world", func(value string) string {
		return stringable.New(value).Title().String();
// "Disney World"


The WhenEmpty method invokes the given closure if the string is empty. If the closure returns a value, that value will also be returned by the whenEmpty method. If the closure does not return a value, the fluent string instance will be returned:

value := stringable.New(" ").
	WhenEmpty(func(value string) string {
		return "Avenger"
// "Avenger"


The WhenContainsAll method invokes the given closure if the string contains all of the given sub-strings. The closure will receive the string value:

value := stringable.New("tony stark").
	WhenContainsAll([]string{"tony", "stark"}, func(value string) string {
		return stringable.New(value).Title().String();
// "Tony Stark"


The WhenContains method invokes the given closure if the string contains the given value. The closure will receive the string value:

value := stringable.New("tony stark").
	WhenContains("tony", func(value string) string {
		return stringable.New(value).Title().String();
// "Tony Stark"


The When method invokes the given closure if a given condition is true. The closure will receive the string value:

value := stringable.New("Birds").
	When(true, func(value string) string {
		return "Angry " + value
// "Angry Birds"

value := stringable.New("Birds").
	When(false, func(value string) string {
		return "Angry " + value
	}, func(value string) string {
		return "Happy " + value
// "Happy Birds"


The Value method returns the underlying string value:

value := stringable.New("This is my name").Value()
// "This is my name"


The Upper method converts the given string to uppercase:

value := stringable.New("golang").Upper().Value()


The Unless method applies the callback if the given “value” is (or resolves to) falsy.

value := stringable.New("Birds").
	Unless(false, func(value string) string {
		return "Angry " + value
// "Angry Birds"

value := stringable.New("Birds").
	Unless(true, func(value string) string {
		return "Angry " + value
	}, func(value string) string {
		return "Happy " + value
// "Happy Birds"


The Ucfirst method returns the given string with the first character capitalized:

value := stringable.New("foo bar").Ucfirst()
// "Foo bar"


The Trim method trims the given string:

value := stringable.New("$day$").Trim().Value()
// "day"


The ToString method returns the underlying string value:


The ToInteger method returns an integer value from string:

value := stringable.New("99").ToInteger()
// 99


The ToFloat method returns a float value from string:

value := stringable.New("9.9").ToFloat()
// 9.9


The ToDate method returns a date time instance from string value:

value := stringable.New("now").ToDate().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")
// 2024-03-29 12:22:35.913399 +0400 +04 m=+0.000832834


The ToBoolean method returns the underlying string value:

value := stringable.New("true").ToBoolean()
value := stringable.New("True").ToBoolean()
// true
value := stringable.New("false").ToBoolean()
value := stringable.New("False").ToBoolean()
value := stringable.New("invalid").ToBoolean()
// false


The Title method converts the given string to Title Case:

value := stringable.New("a nice title uses the correct case").Title().Value()
// "A Nice Title Uses The Correct Case"


The Substr method returns the portion of the string specified by the given start and length parameters:

value := stringable.New("Boney James").Substr(0, 5).Value()
// "Boney"
value := stringable.New("Boney James").Substr(-5, 0).Value()
// "James"


The Studly method converts the given string to StudlyCase:

value := stringable.New("foo_bar").Studly().Value()
// "FooBar"


The String method returns the underlying string value:


The StartsWith method determines if the given string begins with the given value:

value := stringable.New("This is my name").StartsWith("This")
// true


The Snake method converts the given string to snake_case:

value := stringable.New("fooBar").Snake().Value()
// "foo_bar"


The Slug method generates a URL friendly “slug” from the given string:

value := stringable.New("Reglue Framework").Slug("-").Value()
// "reglue-framework"


The Rtrim method trims the right side of the given string:

value := stringable.New("$day$").Rtrim().Value()
// "$day"


The ReplaceFirst method replaces the first occurrence of a given value in a string:

value := stringable.New("the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog").ReplaceFirst("the", "a").Value()
// "a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"


The ReplaceArray method replaces a given value in the string sequentially using an array:

value := stringable.New("The event will take place between ? and ?").ReplaceArray("?", "8:30", "9:00").Value()
// "The event will take place between 8:30 and 9:30"


The Replace method replaces a given string within the string:

value := stringable.New("Golang 1.18.x").Replace("18.x", "22.x").Value()
// "Golang 1.22.x"


The Repeat method repeats the given string:

value := stringable.New("a").Repeat(5).Value()
// "aaaaa"


The Remove method removes the given value or array of values from the string:

value := stringable.New("Go is quite beautiful!").Remove("quite").Value()
// "Go is beautiful!"


The Prepend method prepends the given values onto the string:

value := stringable.New("Go!").Prepend(" ", "Awesome").Value()
// "Awesome Go!"


The Pipe method allows you to transform the string by passing its current value to the given callable:

value := stringable.New("Angry").
	Pipe(func(value string) string {
		return value + " Birds"
// "Angry Birds"


The PadRight method pads the right side of a string with another string until the final string reaches the desired length:

value := stringable.New("James").PadRight("10, '_'").Value()
// "James___"


The PadLeft method pads the left side of a string with another string until the final string reaches the desired length

value := stringable.New("James").PadLeft("10, '_'").Value()
// "__James"


The PadBoth method pads both sides of a string with another string until the final string reaches the desired length:

value := stringable.New("James").PadBoth("10, '_'").Value()
// "__James___"


The Of method creates a new stringable instance:

value := stringable.New("awesome").Of("Framework").Value()
// "Framework"


The NewLine method appends an “end of line” character to a string:

value := stringable.New("Reglue").NewLine().Append("Framework").Value()
// "Reglue"
// "Framework"


The Ltrim method trims the left side of the string:

value := stringable.New("$day$").Ltrim().Value()
// "day$"


The Lower method converts the given string to lowercase:

value := stringable.New("GOLANG").Lower().Value()
// golang


The Limit method truncates the given string to the specified length:

value := stringable.New("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog").Limit(20)
// "The quick brown fox..."
value := stringable.New("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog").Limit(20, " ***")
// "The quick brown fox ***"


The Length method returns the length of the given string:

value := stringable.New("Golang").Length()
// 6


The Lcfirst method returns the given string with the first character lowercased:

value := stringable.New("Foo Bar").Lcfirst()
// "foo Bar"


The Kebab method converts the given string to kebab-case:

value := stringable.New("fooBar").Kebab()
// "foo-bar"


The IsNotEmpty method determines if the given string is not empty:

value := stringable.New(" ").IsNotEmpty()
// false
value := stringable.New("Golang").IsNotEmpty()
// true


The IsEmpty method determines if the given string is empty:

value := stringable.New(" ").IsEmpty()
// true
value := stringable.New("Golang").IsEmpty()
// false


The Headline method will convert strings delimited by casing, hyphens, or underscores into a space delimited string with each word’s first letter capitalized:

value := stringable.New("Email-Notification_Sent").Headline()
// "Email Notification Sent"
value := stringable.New("jane_doe").Headline(language.BritishEnglish)
// "Jane Doe"


The Explode method splits the string by the given delimiter and returns a collection containing each section of the split string:

value := stringable.New("foo bar baz").Explode(" ")
// ["foo" "bar" "baz"]


The Exactly method determines if the given string is an exact match with another string:

value := stringable.New("Golang").Exactly("Golang")
// true


The EndsWith method determines if the given string ends with the given value:

value := stringable.New("This is my name").EndsWith("name")
// true


The Dump method writes the string to standard output:

value := stringable.New("Write to standard output").Dump().Value()
// "Write to standard output"


The Dirname method returns the parent directory portion of the given string:

value := stringable.New("/foo/bar/baz").Dirname().Value()
// "/foo/bar"


The ContainsAll method determines if the given string contains all of the values in the given array:

value := stringable.New("This is my name").ContainsAll("my", "name")
// true


The Contains method determines if the given string contains the given value. This method is case sensitive:

value := stringable.New("This is my name").Contains("my")
// true


The Camel method converts the given string to camelCase:

value := stringable.New("foo_bar").Camel().Value()
// "fooBar"


The BetweenFirst method returns the smallest possible portion of a string between two values:

value := stringable.New("[a] bc [d]").BetweenFirst("[", "]").Value()
// "a"


The Between method returns the portion of a string between two values:

value := stringable.New("This is my name").Between("This", "name").Value()
// " is my "


The BeforeLast method returns everything before the last occurrence of the given value in a string:

value := stringable.New("This is my name").BeforeLast("is").Value()
// "This "


The Before method returns everything before the given value in a string:

value := stringable.New("This is my name").Before("my name").Value()
// "This is "


The Basename method will return the trailing name component of the given string:

value := stringable.New("/foo/bar/baz").Basename().Value()
// "baz"


The Append method appends the given values to the string:

value := stringable.New("Paula").Append(" ", "White").Value()
// "Paula White"


The AfterLast method method returns everything after the last occurrence of the given value in a string. The entire string will be returned if the value does not exist within the string:

value := stringable.New("internal.controllers.users.controller").AfterLast(".").Value()
// "controller"


The After method method returns everything after the given value in a string. The entire string will be returned if the value does not exist within the string:

value := stringable.New("This is my name").After("This is").Value()
// " my name"

Unit Tests Matrix

This package has been tested on the following platforms.

golang ubuntu macos windows
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