Reglue Go


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The cryptography package provides a fluent interface for identity generation, data encrypting, decrypting, transcoding and more.


The cryptography digester can be used to protect the integrity of a piece of data by creating a one-way hash of a value. The following example uses the md5 and sha255 algoriths. Other supported message digest algoriths include sha1, sha3, sha512

package main

import ""

func main() {
	secretValue, defaultAlgorithm := "secret", "md5"

	digester := cryptography.NewDigester(defaultAlgorithm)

	md5 := digester.Make(secretValue)

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", md5)

	md5Check := digester.Check(secretValue, md5)

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", md5Check)
	// true

	sha256 := digester.SetAlgorithm("sha256").Make(secretValue)

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", sha256)

	sha256Check := digester.Check(secretValue, sha256)

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", sha256Check)
	// true


AES Crypter

Encrypting and decrypting text can be done using the AES-256 crypter. You must first set the key configuration option before before using the encrypter. After instanciation, you can call the SetKey method to update the encryption key.

package main

import ""

func main() {
	secretValue := "4012000033330026"
	encryptionKey := "6hdXj19qz9Nxaiu4CcVvtep3vPLhVfuL"

	crypter := cryptography.NewCrypterAES(encryptionKey)

	encryptedSecret:= crypter.Encrypt(secretValue)

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", encryptedSecret)

	decryptedSecret:= crypter.Decrypt(encryptedSecret)

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", decryptedSecret == secretValue)
	// true


ID Generator

The identity generator can be used to produce universally unique identifiers using UUID, ULID and KSUID algoriths. A ULID generator has been provided by default.

package main

import ""

func main() {
	algorithm := "ulid"
	generator := cryptography.NewGeneratorID(algorithm)

	id1 := generator.Generate()

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", id1)

	id2 := generator.Generate()

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", id2)


Hashing of values such as user passwords can be done using bcrypt and argon2 cryptographic algorithms. You may hash a password by calling the Make method on an instance of a hasher. The hasher Check method can be used to compare a password to a hashed value.

Argon2 Hasher

package main

import ""

func main() {
	password := "secret"
	encryptionKey := "6hdXj19qz9Nxaiu4CcVvtep3vPLhVfuL"

	argon2 := cryptography.NewHasherArgon2(encryptionKey)

	passwordHashed := argon2.Make(password)

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", passwordHashed)

	passwordChecked := argon2.Check(password, passwordHashed)

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", passwordChecked)
	// true

Bcrypt Hasher

package main

import ""

func main() {
	password := "secret"
	cost := 12

	bcrypt := cryptography.NewHasherBcrypt(cost)

	passwordHashed2 := bcrypt.Make(password)

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", passwordHashed2)

	passwordChecked := bcrypt.Check(password, passwordHashed2)

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", passwordChecked)
	// true


ID Transcoder

You can generate short unique URL-safe identifiers from numbers using the identity transcoder. These are good for link shortening and securely hiding database generated keys.

package main

import ""

func main() {
	transcoder := cryptography.NewTranscoderID()
	transcoder.SetConfig("alphabet", "FxnXM1kBN6cuhsAvjW3Co7l2RePyY8DwaU04Tzt9fHQrqSVKdpimLGIJOgb5ZE")
	transcoder.SetConfig("blocklist", "86Rf07")

	id1 := transcoder.Generate()

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", id1)

	id2 := transcoder.Generate()

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", id2)

Configuration Methods

The following methods are available to all cryptographers. You can call each of these methods after instantiating the cryptographer.




algo := cryptographer.GetAlgorithm() // "sha1"


cryptographer.SetConfig("key", "value")


cryptographer.GetConfig("key") // "value"

Unit Tests Matrix

This package has been tested on the following platforms.

golang ubuntu macos windows
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